Monday, August 16, 2010

Brendon Villegas on Big Brothers 12 week 5

Brendon Villegas is shirtless in week 5 on Big Brothers 12. After the most dramatic house guest, Rachel, is gone, the Big Brother house seems pretty boring!

Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5
Brendon Villegas Shirtless on Big Brothers 12 week 5


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