Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Eddie McClintock on Warehouse13 s2e08

Eddie McClintock is shirtless on the episode "Merge with Caution" of Warehouse 13. He's hot but I think he could lose a little bit of weight.

Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08
Eddie McClintock Shirtless on Warehouse13 s2e08


Anonymous said...

I'd eat this studs semen loads (out of his hard, hard cock) the rest of my life. Feed me ANYTIME, I'd definitely be your personal seed swallower

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